JOB | SCF Converged
Bonding Energy (Summary)
Type |
Value |
Units |
Electrostatic Energy |
-420.5039 |
eV |
Kinetic Energy |
468.9098 |
eV |
Coulomb (Steric+OrbInt) Energy |
-91.2681 |
eV |
XC Energy |
-503.2258 |
eV |
Solvation |
-4.6433 |
eV |
Dispersion Energy |
-3.7015 |
eV |
Total Bonding Energy |
-554.4328 |
eV |
Fit Test
Fit test: (difference of exact and fit density, squared integrated, result summed
over spins)
Sum-of-Fragments: |
0.00000000024282 |
Orthogonalized Fragments: |
0.00037784419713 |
SCF: |
0.00054267087285 |
MOs / SFO gross populations
MOs Energies
Orbital Energies, all Irreps, both Spins
Multipole Derived Atomic Charges
MDC spin density (spinA - spinB)
Multipole molecular moments
Quadrupole moment
XX |
YY |
ZZ |
XY |
XZ |
YZ |
-290.15725971 |
-49.88756582 |
20.67005387 |
-237.44313854 |
28.53840596 |
527.60039825 |
exact |
expectation value |
Total S2 (S squared) |
0.00000 |
0.95983 |
Final Excitation Energies
Excitation energies E in a.u. , dE wrt prev. cycle,oscillator strengths f in a.u.
Transition dipole moments mu (x,y,z) in a.u. (weak excitations are not printed)
Factor |
Cpu |
33815.99 |
System |
406.81 |
Elapsed |
34384.38 |