Title: | T1_5 |
Browse item: | https://iochem.udg.edu:8443/browse/handle/100/1770 |
Program: | Gaussian 16 ES64L-G16RevA.03 |
Author: | Borowski, Tomasz |
Formula: | C 19 H 13 N 1 O 2 |
Calculation type: | Single point Structure |
Method(s): | UwB97XD - Grimme-D2 |
Temperature | 298.150 K |
Pressure | 1.00000 atm |
Charge / Multiplicity: | 0 3 |
Model: | PCM |
Atomic radii | UFF |
Solvent | Acetonitrile |
Eps= 35.688000 | |
Eps(inf)= 1.806874 |
Energy | Value | Units |
SCF Done: | -937.037185204 | Eh |
Zero-point correction | 0.272454 | Eh |
Thermal correction to Energy | 0.288739 | Eh |
Thermal correction to Enthalpy | 0.289683 | Eh |
Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy | 0.227113 | Eh |
Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies | -936.764731 | Eh |
Sum of electronic and thermal Energies | -936.748446 | Eh |
Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies | -936.747502 | Eh |
Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies | -936.810072 | Eh |
X | Y | Z | Total |
1.0977 | 6.0607 | 1.4508 | 6.3279 |
XX | YY | ZZ | XY | XZ | YZ |
-40.4767 | -324.0085 | -117.4680 | 174.6159 | 51.8030 | 7.0808 |