Title: | /L-N2H2/STEP_4_TS45 Freq_TS45e_H04_S12g |
Browse item: | https://iochem.udg.edu:8443/browse/handle/100/360 |
Program: | ADF 2014 |
Author: | Angelone, Davide |
Formula: | C 20 H 20 Fe 1 N 4 O 4 |
Calculation type: | Single point Quild (Solvation) |
Method(s): | DFT ( S12g-x PBEc ) | PW92 == Not Default == |
Core Treatment : | Frozen Orbital(s) |
Symmetry : | NOSYM |
Temperature | 298.150000 K |
Pressure | 1.000000 atm |
Charge: | 1 |
Multiplicity: | 4 |
Spin polarization: | 3 |
Division Level for Surface Triangles (NDIV) | 3 | |
Final Division Level for Triangles (NFDIV) | 1 | |
Radius of the Solvent (RSOL) | 2.53000 | Å |
Minimum Radius for new sphere (RMINSOLV) | 0.50000 | Å |
Overlapping Factor (OFAC) | 0.80000 | |
Dielectric Constant (EPSL) | 32.60000 | |
COSMO equation is solved iteratively- | conjugate-gradient | |
Maximun of Iterations for Charges (NCIX) | 1000 | |
Criterion for Charge convergence (CCNV) | 1.0E-10 | |
Geometry-dependent empirical factor | 0.00000 |
Type | Value | Units |
Electrostatic Energy | -281.6776 | eV |
Kinetic Energy | 273.2637 | eV |
Coulomb (Steric+OrbInt) Energy | -10.6300 | eV |
XC Energy | -295.4159 | eV |
Solvation | -3.2682 | eV |
Dispersion Energy | -1.3228 | eV |
Total Bonding Energy | -319.0509 | eV |
Sum-of-Fragments: | 0.00000000010464 |
Orthogonalized Fragments: | 0.00033017651904 |
SCF: | 0.00041705363829 |
XX | YY | ZZ | XY | XZ | YZ |
11.82244848 | -18.00698190 | -7.11472625 | -18.71899661 | -13.72457694 | 6.89654813 |
exact | expectation value | |
Total S2 (S squared) | 3.75000 | 3.78159 |
Zero-point | 10.189553 | eV |
Temp | Transl | Rotat | Vibrat | Total | |
298.15 | Entropy (cal.mol-1.K-1): | 44.108 | 35.375 | 84.407 | 163.890 |
Internal Energy (kcal.mol-1): | 0.889 | 0.889 | 248.228 | 250.006 | |
Constant Volume Heat Capacity (cal.mol-1.K-1): | 2.981 | 2.981 | 91.844 | 97.805 | |
G (kJ.mol-1 // kcal.mol-1) | -29939.7 // -7155.8 |
Factor | |
Cpu | 137208.16 |
System | 1923.20 |
Elapsed | 139337.53 |